Friday, May 25, 2007

8kua seems dead

Other than spams on the chatbox, the rest of 8kua seems dead.

So for now I am trying to do some revamp on this site. Will be glad to receive opinions as to what would you like to hear. Maybe love stories from Ichitaka, ho ho ho ...

But one idea comes to mind is I have to make a gathering for the 3 of us 8kuas first to get to know each another well. Isn't that right Ms Bulat? So can see Ichitaka hehehehe.... I was thinking why not post the adventures of the 3 8kuas, going out and stalking (bulat's specialty), pose(danielctw's specialty) & write emo stories (ichitaka's specialty).


Jason Leingod said...

wat the tut... wat emo stories? it's real life love stories that weird ppl wont understand... -_-

ms.bulat said...

Sweatsssss. SErious wan a? hahahaha~

Weird Dan said...

haha... told ya... and why only the three of us commenting here.. but actually this blog more for 3 of us. Everyone else like dissappeared T_T