Friday, April 6, 2007

cause love IS blind.deaf.AND dumb.

how come there's a story bout the frog prince...but no frog princess geh?

cause girls look on the inside, guys on the outside rightttt?

i dont know how true is this but, i met enough guys who will start a jampi everytime they see a chun chick.

ah. im talking bout the really buaya type not the just saysay type.

one was enough to end my night.


Jason Leingod said...

eh, I look in the inside... not the outside one wor. dont believe ask daniel... XD

yalo, its sick to see ppl who likes a boy/ girl on the outside... -_-;

blurblurpiggy said...

lolz i dun believe!!!
Definitely girls look on the inside (but aunty beve doesn't) =X. A large majority of guys on the other hand looks on the outside (maybe itchy is an exception).

Anonymous said...

ngekngek!! maybe as time passes u look on the insidelarh. but on the whole guys will check the outside 1st then only like, you know tengok keadaan.

Weird Dan said...

Hmm...I also look inside....the shirt *whistles* WAHAHAHAH